200000502 Gasket / Joint 110-130-12 DPSM for C.M. MB
— Article: 200000502 | | 2 000 00 502
— Concrete mixer: C.M. Costruzioni Meccaniche s.r.l. MB
— Product type: Rotary shaft seal
— Execution material: Nitrile Rubber (NBR)
— Inner diameter: 110 mm
— Outside diameter: 130 mm
— Thickness: 12 mm
— Weight: 0.079 kg
C.M. Costruzioni Meccaniche s.r.l. — is registered trademark.
CONSPAR — is an independent firm and not related to the mentioned company. Trademarks, symbols, codes and manufacturer descriptions are for reference purposes only.
200000502 Gasket / Joint 110-130-12 DPSM for C.M. MB
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